What We Do

Walk Bike Audits

The purpose of conducting a Walk Bike Audit is to identify pedestrian and bicycle issues by being on the ground and experiencing the built environment firsthand. The Palm Beach TPA conducts these audits, in collaboration with the municipality, roadway owners, and other stakeholders, like Palm Tran or the School District of Palm Beach County, in order to improve safety and access for people of all ages and abilities. After these audits are conducted, the TPA works to collaboratively plan, prioritize and fund identified safety improvements.

Audit Requests

Have a location in mind for a Walk Bike Safety Audit? Please review the TPA selection priorities for conducting an audit here.

This criteria aligns with the TPA’s Vision Zero Action, adopted Long Range Transportation Plan and the agency’s Mission and Vision.

Summary Reports of Completed Walk Bike Audits

To coordinate a Walk Bike Audit, please contact TPA Deputy Director of Multimodal Brian Ruscher at BRuscher@PalmBeachTPA.org or (561) 725-0803.