The TPA’s 561 Plan consists of five north-south and six east-west enhanced transit corridors, connecting central Palm Beach County to the rest of Southeast Florida. The corridors were identified in the 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and were chosen based on analysis of population density, transit propensity, and transit ridership. The TPA plans to study these corridors to select desired multimodal concepts, then work with the roadway owners and transit operators to prioritize and fund feasibility, design and construction of the desired multimodal concepts for implementation.
Okeechobee Blvd. & SR 7 Multimodal Corridor Study
The TPA conducted an Okeechobee Blvd & SR 7 Multimodal Corridor Study to identify alternative ways to create a safe, efficient, connected and multimodal transportation system for these corridors. This planning study comprised of a roadway and transit conceptual alternatives analysis, Health Impact Assessment and Land Use & Economic Development Analysis – all of which engaged the public and key stakeholders for their review and input to guide the TPA’s selection of a desired multimodal concept. Learn more in the Final Report below.
This Multimodal Corridor Study was presented to the TPA Governing Board in December of 2022. The Study’s documents can be viewed at the links below:
- Full Report with Appendices
- Report Only
- Project Handout
- Health Impact Assessment and HIA Executive Summary
- Appendices
- Typical Sections
Currently under study:
- Okeechobee Downtown Gateway Study
- Okeechobee and SR7 Transit Shelters Study
US-1 Multimodal Corridor Study
The Palm Beach TPA Board kicked off the US-1 Multimodal Corridor Study in early 2017 to examine the potential for new express bus service as well as facilities to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety and connectivity along the corridor. The study encompassed the US-1 corridor in Palm Beach County from Camino Real in the City of Boca Raton to Indiantown Road in the Town of Jupiter. The project corridor is approximately 42 miles in length and runs north-south across 14 local municipalities. This effort included 6 months of public workshops and planning. The project also included a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) and HIA Working Group with local health partners that helped inform the study’s recommendations and potential impacts on community health.
The US-1 Multimodal Corridor Study was approved by the TPA Governing Board in May of 2018. The Study’s documents can be viewed at the links below:
- Executive Summary (PDF)
- US-1 Multimodal Corridor Study Coffee Book (PDF)
- US-1 Multimodal Corridor Study Report (PDF)
- Appendix A: Health Impact Assessment (HIA) (PDF)
- Appendix B: Transit Assessment (PDF)
- Appendix C: Roadway Typical Sections (PDF)
- US-1 Plan Views (below by section)
- Proposed Enhanced Transit Stations on US-1 (PDF)