Mission - To collaboratively plan, prioritize and fund the transportation system.
Vision - A safe, efficient and connected multimodal transportation system.

New TPA Blog
The TPA started a blog! Check out the latest post and read previous articles. Learn more
Vision 2050 Adopted
The TPA’s 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan, Vision 2050, is officially adopted! View the final document here.

Transportation Tuesday Newsletter
Subscribe to the TPA’s bi-weekly newsletter to learn more about upcoming public involvement opportunities, construction projects, TPA updates, meetings and more! Learn More

Vision Zero
Vision Zero is a nationally-recognized strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and serious injuries on our roadways.
Upcoming Meetings & Events
We Want To Hear From You!
The TPA’s interactive map allows viewers to enter transportation-related comments, suggestions and questions throughout Palm Beach County.

Community Profiles Dashboard
The Community Profiles Dashboard provides easy access to socioeconomic data, maps of transportation facilities, and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) projects for each municipality and County commission district.