Find pedestrian and bicycle-related information. The TPA’s mission is to collaboratively plan, prioritize and fund the transportation system and the vision is for a safe, efficient and connected multimodal transportation system.
Florida Bicycle Month
Florida Bicycle Month, celebrated in March of each year, is a chance to showcase the many benefits of bicycling and encourage more folks to give bicycling a try. In recognition of Florida Bicycle Month, the TPA Governing Board adopts a Florida Bicycle Month Proclamation every year at the March board meeting. The TPA encourages Palm Beach County municipalities to adopt a Florida Bicycle Month Proclamation (Template).

Bicycle Safety Webinar
TPA Staff hosted a webinar to discuss bicycle safety fundamentals and how they applied to emerging technologies. Bicycles have been going through an electrification and technological revolution, and this webinar covered how new technology supported a variety of bicycle trip types throughout Palm Beach County.
Thank you to local municipalities, Palm Beach County and the State of Florida for issuing Proclamations for Florida Bicycle Month!

Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety
The TPA prioritizes safety for all roadway users, including pedestrian and bicyclists. Learn more about Vision Zero, Complete Streets and other safety efforts below.
Walk Friendly and Bicycle Friendly Community Designations
The TPA encourages local governments to pursue Bicycle Friendly Community designations. The TPA also encourages local businesses to pursue Bicycle Friendly Business designations as well as local colleges and universities to pursue Bicycle Friendly University designations.
To apply to be a BFB, visit the Bicycle Friendly Business website. The deadline to apply is March 20, 2025.
To apply to be a BFU, visit the Bicycle Friendly University website. The deadline to apply is August 7, 2025.
To apply to be a BFC, visit the Bicycle Friendly Community website. The deadline to apply is June 25, 2025.
Basic Cyclists Safety Tips from Palm Beach TPA:
- Use a headlight and red rear light or wear reflective clothing that can be seen from 300 feet.
- Avoid cycling on sidewalks and watch for vehicles turning left or right, and entering or existing parking spaces and driveways – they may be looking for their next move and not see you.
- Use hand signals to indicate your next move (stop, left turn, right turn). Now you can officially point to the right for right turns instead of relying on a drivers memory to know the other hand signal.
- Tips for the beginner cyclist: A few tips to help the beginner cyclist get on the road (CentralFLSports) YouTube
- Tips for the experienced cyclist: “5 critical bicycle skills in 5 minutes” for the moderately-experienced cyclist (Global Cycling Network) YouTube
- Top 10 Tips for Parents: Safe cycling suggestions to keep your children safe (Univ of Miami’s Kidz Neuroscience Center) PDF in English, PDF in Spanish, PDF in Creole
Basic Pedestrian Safety Tips from Palm Beach TPA:
- It’s safest to walk on a sidewalk, but if you must walk in the street, walk facing traffic.
- At night, increase your visibility by carrying a flashlight and wearing light-colored or reflective clothing.
- Transit users should cross behind the bus to avoid crashes – drivers cannot see in front of the vehicle if you step out into traffic.
- Use crosswalks or the nearest intersection to safely cross the street.
- Stay alert in parking lots or around driveways – drivers may be more focused on their destination and not watching for you.
- Bicycle Safer Journey — A teaching guide for the classroom
- Bicyclist Road Safety Tips
- Bike Safe (University of Miami)
- Boca Raton Bicycle Club
- Florida Bicycle Association
- Floridas Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Resource Center
- League of American Bicyclists — Teaching Bicycling Skills and Building their Confidence to Ride
- National Bike to School Day Website (Walk/Bike to School)
- Palm Beach County Parks & Recreation
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administrative: Bicycle Safety
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center
- Safe Kids
- Safe Routes to School National Partnership
- South Florida Commuter Services
- Walk Safe (University of Miami)
- West Palm Beach Transportation Management Initiative (TMI)
- YMCA of South Palm Beach County
- Royal Palm Beach Bike Share