The TPA annually adopts a list of transportation system priority projects to share with FDOT for use in developing the next draft Five-Year Work Program and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).
The LOPP is consistent with the goals, objectives and values of the TPA’s adopted Long Range Transportation Plan, the 25-year plan for transportation projects in Palm Beach County. In turn, the LOPP furthers the TPA vision of creating a safe, efficient and connected multimodal transportation system.
The TPA Governing Board adopted the FY 2026 – 2030 List of Priority Projects on July 18, 2024.
- FY 2025-2029 Priorities (PDF) (adopted July 18, 2023)
- FY 2024-2028 Priorities (PDF) (adopted July 21, 2022)
- FY 2023-2027 Priorities (PDF) (adopted July 15, 2021)
- FY 2022-2026 Priorities (PDF) (adopted July 16, 2020)
- FY 2021-2025 Priorities (PDF) (adopted July 18, 2019)
- FY 2020-2024 Priorities (PDF) (amended February 21, 2019)
- FY 2019-2023 Priorities (PDF)
- FY 2018-2022 Priorities (PDF)
- FY 2017-2021 Priorities (PDF)
- FY 2016-2020 Priorities (PDF)