The adopted Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) allocates around $26 million annually of Federal Surface Transportation Program funds to advance lower-cost, non-regionally significant transportation projects identified by our communities. The Local Initiatives (LI) program is an annual competitive application process where projects are submitted to the TPA and prioritized for funding. Funded projects are either implemented by the applicant and funded through a grant reimbursement agreement or they are implemented by FDOT. Eligible entities include local governments, regional transportation authorities, transit agencies, natural resource or public land agencies, school districts, local education agencies and tribal governments in Palm Beach County.
Eligible projects include complete streets, including lane narrowing, lane repurposing, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), operational improvements, signing and lighting; transit vehicles and facilities, including paying up to 50% of a 3-year turn-key contract for new transit service; and freight efficiency improvements, including airport & seaport off-site capacity improvements, truck movements, and railway capacity.
The LI projects are prioritized in the List of Priority Projects, which is presented to the committees and Governing Board each July.
Review the LI Program Overview (PDF) and 2022 Workshop Presentation (PDF) and Recording.
Application Submittal Forms and Resources – Below are links to forms and examples to help with submitting an application. Please use the Application Form, and Cost Estimate Spreadsheet provided below as part of a project submittal.
- LI Application Form (PDF) (Download and Complete Form for Application Submittal)
- Mapping Tool (for use when preparing an application)
- Project Location Map Example: Project Map (PDF)
- Typical Section of Improved Facility or Improvement Example: Typical Section of Improved Facility or Improvement (PDF) Detail Resource: StreetMix
- Right-of-way ownership verification (including easements) Example: Wellington Right-Of-Way (PDF)
- Cost Estimate Spreadsheet (use FDOT Area 12 12-month historic averages)
- Photograph of Project Location Before Construction Example: Indian Trail Improvement District Photo (PDF)
- Resolution of support from facility owner(s) clearly indicating that the project may be constructed as proposed and committing to fund ongoing operations and maintenance of the project – due within 60 days of application due date. Example: West Palm Beach Resolution (PDF)
- Resolutions for projects to be administered by FDOT must also include language clearly stating the project “may be administered and constructed by FDOT on behalf of the (ROW owner).” Example: Approval Letter (PDF)
- Commitment Letter from the administering agency’s director of Engineering or Public Works Department clearly indicating they will “administer and construct the project if funded by the Palm Beach Transportation Planning Agency’s (TPA).” Example: 1. City of West Palm Beach (PDF) 2. Loxahatchee Groves (PDF)
- Boca Raton – SW 18th Street Shared Use Path and Sidewalks (PDF)
- Delray Beach – Barwick Road Shared Use Path and Sidewalks (PDF)
- Indian Trail Improvement District – Seminole Speed Tables (PDF)
- Palm Beach Gardens – Designated Bike Lanes and Sidewalks (PDF)
- Palm Tran – Electric Bus Transition Initiative (PDF)
- Palm Tran – Bus Stop Improvements (PDF)
- SFRTA (Tri-Rail) – New Rolling Stock (PDF)
Palm Beach TPA – Andrew Uhlir
Deputy Director of Programs
E. AUhlir@PalmBeachTPA.org
P. 561.725.0808
FDOT – District 4 – Mya Williams
Local Program Administrator
E. mya.williams@dot.state.fl.us
P. 954.777.4608