The Palm Beach TPA is developing a federally-required LRTP for our region, Vison 2050. Local transportation partners submitted projects for consideration through December 2023.
The TPA’s LRTP guides federal and state transportation investments in our county. Local project submissions assist the TPA with planning and programming new projects. These submissions will allow the TPA to:
- Demonstrate federal planning consistency
- Screen project readiness
- Identify local matching funds for federal discretionary grants
- Fund local needs that are feasible based on expected revenues
Next Steps
Projects submitted by TPA’s municipal partners and stakeholders during the Call for Projects have been processed and reviewed by staff. An interactive map is available to review these projects and provide input at the link below.
Funding will be considered during spring and summer 2024 working with the TPA’s Governing Board, advisory committees and the public. This process will include project screening, scenario development, and review of financial resources. A final draft program of funded projects will be developed in fall 2024 in preparation for adoption of Vision 2050 at the December 12, 2024 Governing Board meeting.