Florida Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council (MPOAC)
MPOAC is a statewide transportation planning and policy organization created by the Florida Legislature to augment the role of individual MPOs in the cooperative transportation planning process. MPOAC serves as the principal forum for collective policy discussion to assist MPOs in carrying out the urbanized area transportation planning process.
The MPOAC annually prepares legislative policy positions and develops initiatives to be advanced during Florida's legislative session. The MPOAC actively participates in the activities of the national Association of MPOs (AMPO) and the National Association of Regional Councils (NARC) in Washington D.C., and works with other stakeholder groups to help shape state and national policy regarding metropolitan transportation issues.

Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (AMPO)
AMPO is the transportation advocate for metropolitan regions and is committed to enhancing MPO abilities to improve metropolitan transportation systems.
AMPO is a nonprofit, membership organization established in 1994 to serve the needs and interests of MPOs nationwide. Federal highway and transit statutes require, as a condition for spending federal highway or transit funds in urbanized areas, the designation of MPOs, which have responsibility for planning, programming and coordination of federal highway and transit investments.
National Association of Regional Councils (NARC)
NARC serves as the national voice for regionalism by advocating for regional cooperation as the most effective way to address a variety of community planning and development opportunities and issues.
NARC represents the interests of its members through effective interaction and advocacy with Congress, federal officials and other related agencies and interest groups. NARC’s agenda includes transportation, economic and community development, environment, public safety, emergency management and a variety of community issues undertaken by its member organizations. NARC provides its members information and research on key national policy issues, federal policy developments and best practices.