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Florida Bicycle Month

Florida Bicycle Month, celebrated in March of each year, is a chance to showcase the many benefits of bicycling and encourage more folks to give bicycling a try. The TPA encourages Palm Beach County municipalities to adopt a Florida Bicycle Month Proclamation. For more information on Florida Bicycle Month, click here.

Safe Bicycling Webinar

TPA Staff hosted a webinar to discuss bicycle safety fundamentals and how they are applied to emerging technologies. Bicycles have been going through an electrification and technological revolution, and this webinar covered how new technology supported a variety of bicycle trip types throughout Palm Beach County. To watch for the webinar, click here.

TPA Bicycle Ride

The TPA hosts an annual Florida Bicycle Month Bike Ride every March! Stay tuned for the official date of the 2026 ride.

National Bike Month

Celebrate National Bike Month in May every year. This includes Bike to Work Week and Bike to Work Day. For more information and resources on bicycling in Florida, visit The Florida Bicycle Website.

National Bike to School Day

National Bike to School Day is in May every year. On this day, cities and schools celebrate safe, active travel by hosting events such as a group bike to school. For ideas on events and additional information, visit Walk Bike to School Website.

Dump the Pump

National Dump the Pump Day is held every third week in June. This day aims to encourage people to ride public transportation instead of driving. Celebrate all week by opting for public transit.

Mobility Week

Mobility Week is a cooperative effort by the Florida Department of Transportation and its partner agencies to promote awareness of safe, multimodal transportation choices at the end of October. During Mobility Week, counties, cities and transportation agencies host events and offer special promotions to encourage Floridians to try new transportation options. It is an ideal time for agencies to highlight transportation achievements, roll out new initiatives or implement new policies.

National Walk to School Day

National Walk to School Day is in October every year. On this day, cities and schools celebrate safe, active travel by hosting events such as group walks to school. For ideas on events and additional information, visit Walk Bike to School Website.