What We Do

Cost Feasible Plan

Below is the draft list of projects in the Vision 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). The tables include the Project Name, Project IDs, Description, Present Day Costs by Phase, and funded/unfunded amounts by Tiers.

An overview presentation is provided in the Cost Feasible Plan Workshop.

Project Categories

  • Cost Feasible Projects: TPA Supported projects that are programmed to be completed using available revenue sources.
  • Illustrative Projects: TPA Supported projects/concepts that do not have funding identified, either because an additional study is needed to define the work, capital funding is not available, or ongoing operations & maintenance funding is not available.
  • Local Desires: Projects not formally supported by the TPA. These projects might still be buildable but are not supported by the TPA for the use of federal and state funding.


You can provide comments on the LRTP Cost Feasible Plan by referencing the Project ID and submitting a comment below.

You can also use the online map to click on the a project to provide feedback.

LRTP Cost Feasible Plan
