2024-1 | 4548781 | West Palm Beach | Palm St from Lake Ave to US 1/Dixie Highway | Construct bicycle lanes and ADA improvements for pedestrian facilities | FY 2028 | $1.5M | $2M |  | |
2024-2 | 4548771 | Boca Raton | NW 2nd Ave from Jeffrey St to Hidden Valley Blvd | Construct two-way bicycle path on east side of the road with bicycle intersection upgrades. | FY 2028 | $1.5M/td> | $2.6M |  | |
2024-3 | 4549511 | Palm Beach County/Boca Raton | Camino Real from Dixie Highway to Federal Highway | Construct raised bicycle lanes | FY 2028 | $878K | $1.68M |  | |
2023-1 | 4529981 | Boca Raton | NW 6th Way from South of NW 38th Drive/Circle to Spanish River Blvd | Construct 10′ shared use path and include bicycle and pedestrian intersection upgrades. | FY 2027 | $888K | $1.5M |  | |
2023-2 | 4530021 | Palm Beach County | Camino Real from Spanish River Rd to South Ocean Blvd | Construct 7′ buffered bike lanes on both sides of the road and 5 ft sidewalk on the south side. | FY 2027 | $1.1M | $1.9M |  | |
2023-3 | 4529991 | West Palm Beach | Spruce Ave from 36th St to 40th St | Construct designated bike lanes, ADA curb ramps and sidewalks, new crosswalks, traffic calming, and pedestrian scale lighting. | FY 2027 | $1.1M | $1.5M |  | |
2023-4 | 4530011 | Palm Beach Gardens | Lilac St from North Military Trl to Plant Dr | Widen existing sidewalk to 10′ shared use path and construct new 10′ shared use path with a midblock crossing. | FY 2027 | $1M | $1.2M |  | |
2023-5 | 4530001 | Indian Trail Improvement District | 140th Ave North from Orange Blvd to 61st St North and 61st St North from 140th Ave North to the M-1 Canal | Construct 8′ unpaved path. | FY 2027 | $947K | $1.2M | 

| |
2022-1 | 4507871 | Indian Trail Improvement District | Hamlin Blvd from Hall Blvd to Grapeview Blvd; Grapeview Blvd from Hamlin Blvd to Citrus Grove Blvd; Citrus Grove Blvd from Hall Blvd to Avocado Blvd | Construct 10′ shared use path and expand existing sidewalk to 8′. | FY 2026 | $991K | $1.5M |  | |
2022-2 | 4508291 | City of Palm Beach Gardens | Fairchild Ave from Fairchild Gardens Ave to Campus Dr | Construct buffered bicycle lanes and 8′ pathway on south side of roadway | FY 2026 | $1M | $1.5M |  | |
2022-3 | 4508621 | City of West Palm Beach | 49th St from Greenwood Ave to North Flagler Dr | Construct ADA curb ramps and sidewalks, traffic calming speed humps and sharrows | FY 2026 | $353K | $1M |  | |
2022-4 | 4508241 | Village of Royal Palm Beach | Various Locations – Local Roads | Install pedestrian and bicycle network wayfinding signage | FY 2026 | $738K | $934K |  | |
2022-5 | 4507841 & 4527842 | City of Boca Raton & SFRTA | SW 18th St from Military Trail to Addison Ave | Construct 10′ shared use paths and missing crosswalks and sidewalks | FY 2026 | $1.5M | $1.5M | | |
2021-1 | 4490051 | City of Palm Beach Gardens | Burns Rd from Military Trail to Alt A1A | Construct 9.5′ separated two-way bicycle track | Estimated Construction Start July 2025 | $848K | $1.3M |  | |
2021-2 | 4489991 | City of Boca Raton | El Rio Trail from Glades Rd to Yamato Rd | Install lighting | FY 2025 | $1M | $1.3M |  | |
2021-3 | 4490021 | Indian Trails Improvement District | Grapeview Blvd from Key Lime Blvd to 60th St; Key Lime Blvd from Hall Blvd to M-1 Canal | Construct 10′ shared use path and 8′ pathway | FY 2026 | $1M | $1.7M |  | |
2021-4 | 4490061 | Village of Wellington | C-8 Canal from Forest Hill Blvd to Stribling Way | Construct 10′ shared use path | FY 2025 | $552K | $738K |  | |
2020-1 | 4483011 | City of Lake Worth Beach | Various Locations – Local Roads | Construct ADA curb ramps and sidewalk | Estimated Construction Start April 2024 | $1M | $1.02M |  | |
2020-2 | 4483021 | City of Palm Beach Gardens | Kyoto Gardens Drive from Military Trail to Alt A1A | Construct 5′ bike lane and 8′ pathway on north side of roadway | Construction Completed July 2024 | $1.2M | $1.3M |  |  |
2020-3 | 4483031 | Westgate CRA / Palm Beach County | Cherry Rd from Military Trail to Quail Dr | Construct 10-12′ shared use path and pedestrian lighting on north side of the roadway | Estimated Construction Start Fall 2024 | $1M | $1.96M |  | |
2020-4 | 4483041 | Palm Tran | Countywide | Install 5′ sidewalk connections and ADA bus stop enhancements to 110 bus stops | FY 2025 | $299K | $355K |  | |
2020-5 | 4483061 | Village of Wellington | C-2 Canal Pathway from Horseshoe Trace & Greenview Shores Blvd to Paddock Park Dr & Bent Creek Dr | Construct multipurpose pathways | Project Withdrawn | | | | |
2019-1 | 4460771 | Westgate CRA/Palm Beach County | Seminole Blvd from Okeechobee Blvd to Oswego Ave | Construct 12 ft shared use paths, high visibility crosswalks, and pedestrian lighting | Construction Completed Early 2025 | $1.5M | $1.7M |  |  |
2019-2 | 4460781 | City of Boynton Beach | SE 1st St. from Boynton Beach Blvd to Woolbright Rd | Construct 10 ft shared use path on western side of roadway | Estimated Construction Start November 2024 | $1M | $5.5M |  | |
2019-3 | 4460801 | Town of Loxahatchee Groves | Okeechobee Blvd from A Rd to Folsom Rd | Construct 6 ft paved trail with fence on south side of roadway | Project Withdrawn | | |  | |
2019-4 | 4460841 | City of Palm Beach Gardens | Various existing pedestrian crossings along Holly Drive | Install pedestrian activated flashers at 12 existing crossings | Construction Completed March 2024 | $887K | $900K |  |  |
2018-1 | 4443501 | City of West Palm Beach | Clear Lake Trail North (Phase 1) (NW side of Clear Lake from Okeechobee Blvd to Palm Beach Lakes Blvd) | Construct 10 ft shared Use Path on west side of Clear Lake in West Palm Beach. | Construction Completed May 2024 | $1.75M | $2.2M |  |  |
2018-2 | 4443591 | City of Greenacres | Dillman Trail (Forest Hill Blvd to Dillman Rd) | Construct 12 ft shared use path | Construction Completed in 2023 | $723K | $772K |  |  |
2018-3 | 4443671 | Palm Beach County (Westgate CRA) | Bridgeman Dr, Wellington Rd, Prairie Rd (Phase 2) | Install 5 ft sidewalks and pedestrian scale lighting | Construction Completed December 2022 | $995K | $1.18M |  | |
2018-4 | 4443661 | Palm Beach County | A1A/Ocean Dr. (Between Donald Ross Rd and Indiantown Rd) | Pedestrian Crossing Enhancements | Construction Completed 2023 | $790K | $796K |  |  |
2017-1 | 4415271 | City of West Palm Beach | Northmore neighborhood | Construct sidewalks and shared use path | Construction Start January 2025 | $590K | $2.2M |  | |
2017-2 | 4415301 | Palm Beach County (Westgate CRA) | Belvedere Heights neighborhood | Install streetlights and sidewalks | Construction Completed 2022 | $925K | $1.1M |  |  |
2017-4 | 4415311 | Village of Royal Palm Beach | FPL Pathway (Lamstein Ln to Las Palmas St) | Install LED lighting adjacent to FPL pathway | Construction Completed | $712K | $1.16M |  |  |
2016-1 | 4400141 | Village of Wellington | Aero Club Dr (Greenbriar Blvd to Binks Forest Dr) | Construct 10′ shared use path | Construction Completed in 2022 | $774K | $765K |  |  |
2016-2 | 4400151 | City of West Palm Beach | North Shore Pedestrian Bridge (between 39th St. and 43rd St.) | Construct new pedestrian bridge parallel to existing North Shore Dr. bridge on the west side. | Construction Scheduled Summer 2024 | $993K | $1.29M |  | |
2016-3 | 4400121 | City of West Palm Beach | Roosevelt Estates neighborhood | Install ADA ramp improvements and crosswalks with texturized pavement | Construction Start December 2024 | $565K | $1.1M |  | |
2016-4 | 4400171 | City of Delray Beach | Various Alleyways | Shared Use Paths in Alleyways | Construction Completed in 2022 | $872K | $2.57M |  |  |
2015-1 | 4382891 | City of Delray Beach | Seacrest Blvd (NE 22nd St to Gulfstream Blvd) | Add green bike lanes, wider sidewalks, brick crosswalks and school zone lighting | Construction Completed in 2021 | $749K | $1.7M |  |  |
2015-2 | 4287181 | Village of Tequesta | US1 (Beach Rd to Martin County Line) | Add buffered bike lanes, street trees and signage | Construction Completed in 2018 | $709K | $3.05M |  |  |
2015-3 | 4383061 | Village of Wellington | Binks Pointe Pathway (Binks Forest Dr to Flying Cow Rd) | Construct shared use pathway to connect Binks Pointe area to Wellington Environmental Preserve | Construction Completed in 2019 | $391K | $549K |  |  |
2015-4 | 4382901 | Village of Royal Palm Beach | Various Royal Palm Beach neighborhoods | Upgrade existing sidewalks to ADA standards in residential neighborhoods | Construction Completed in 2021 | $683K | $839K |  |  |
2015-5 | 4382911 | City of Belle Glade | Various locations near Gove and Belle Glade Elementary Schools | Construct missing sidewalk links | Construction Completed in 2019 | $672K | $1.2M |  |  |
2015-6 | 4383851 | City of West Palm Beach | Various locations near Palm Beach Neighborhood Schools | Upgrade existing sidewalks to ADA standards near schools | Construction Completed in 2020 | $723K | $878K |  |  |
2014-1 | 4368721 | City of Delray Beach | NE 2nd Ave (NE 13th St to NE 22nd St) | Construct sidewalks, add designated bike lanes, reduce vehicle travel lane widths, install landscaping | Construction Completed in 2019 | $745K | $1.63M |  |  |
2014-2 | 4369301 | Palm Beach County | Australian Ave (9th St to 13th St, Kirk Road), (Forest Hill Blvd to Pot O’ Gold St.), and (Military Trail – Dolphin Dr to Old Military Tr) | Safe Routes to Schools-Install mast arm school zone flashers | Construction Completed in 2021 | $407K | $482K |  |  |
2014-4 | 4369321 | City of West Palm Beach | North Shore Neighborhood (Residential Streets bounded by 45th St,Congress Ave., Australian Ave and Lake Mangonia) | Construct ADA compliant ramps and sidewalks, enhanced crosswalks and signage | Construction Completed in 2021 | $485K | $573K |  |  |
2014-5 | 4368741 | Village of Royal Palm Beach | Okeechobee Blvd (Folsom Rd to State Rd 7) and Partridge Lane (Okeechobee Blvd to Sparrow Dr) | Install pedestrian-scaled lighting, roadway lighting, and 6 ft wide sidewalk on the east side of Partridge Lane | Construction Completed in 2019 | $368K | $1.54M | 


2013-1 | 4350841 | City of Lake Worth | 5th Ave South (A St to F St) | Construct 5-block shared use path in unused ROW | Construction Completed in 2017 | $753K | $1.16M |  |  |
2013-2 | 4351461 | City of West Palm Beach | Tamarind Ave (Banyan Blvd to Palm Beach Lakes Blvd) | Add landscaping, lighting, and bike sharrows | Project Removed, Funded Locally | $782K | $958K |  | N/A |
2013-4 | 4350801 | City of Delray Beach | NE 2nd Ave (George Bush Blvd to NE 13th St) | Bike Lane/ Sidewalk | Construction Completed in 2018 | $733K | $1.8M |  |  |
2012-1 | 4331691 | Palm Beach County-Office of Community Revitalization | Everglades (E Main St to Canal St in Belle Glade) | Construct a pedestrian bridge over the L-10 canal | Construction Completed in 2016 | $636K | $760K |  |  |
2012-2 | 4331971 | Village of Royal Palm Beach | Sparrow Dr (Sweet Bay Ln to Royal Palm Beach Blvd) | Construct a pedestrian bridge over canal | Construction Completed in 2016 | $621K | $734K |  |  |
2012-4 | 4334741 | City of West Palm Beach | Fern St (Flagler Dr to Tamarind Ave) | Improve streetscape, add pedestrian amenities, green bicycle lanes, bicycle racks | Construction Completed in 2016 | $763K | $898K |  |  |
2012-5 | 4331961 | Village of Wellington | Flying Cow Rd. (Binks Pointe to the Wellington Environmental Preserve) | Construct 10 ft shared use path | Construction Completed in 2017 | $750K | $883K |  |  |
2011-1 | 4316521 | City of West Palm Beach | 15th St (Australian Ave to N. Dixie Hwy) | Add green bicycle lanes, street trees, and enhanced crosswalks | Construction Completed in 2015 | $754K | $809K |  |  |
2011-2 | 4316501 | City of Delray Beach | NE 2nd Ave (NE 4th St to George Bush Blvd) | Lighting | Construction Completed in 2015 | $648K | $945K |  |  |
2011-3 | 4238092 | Palm Beach County Environmental Resources Management | Bluegill Trail (Phase II), Adjacent to Beeline Hwy (PGA Blvd to Northlake Blvd) | Construct paved 12 ft shared use path | Construction Completed in 2015 | $766K | $977K |  |  |
2011-4 | 4316481 | City of Boca Raton | Patch Reef Trail (Along E-3 Canal from S. Verde Trail to south of Town Center Rd) | Construct 8 ft wide pathway (Patch Reef Trail) | Construction Completed in 2015 | $357K | $362K |  |  |
2011-5 | 4276551 | Village of Royal Palm Beach | Crestwood Blvd North (Saratoga Blvd to Royal Palm Beach Blvd) | Construct bicycle lanes, landscaping, install a school bus stop | Construction Completed in 2013 | $805K | $891K |  |  |
2010-1 | 4252592 | Palm Beach County Environmental Resources Management | Jessup Trail (Phase I) (Riverbend Park to the Cypress Creek Natural Area at Martin County line) | Construct 10 ft shared use path | Construction Completed in 2013 | $619K | $878K |  |  |
2010-3 | 4276531 | Town of Jupiter | A1A (Jupiter Rd to Saturn St) | Add bicycle lane, sidewalk, landscaping, signage | Construction Completed in 2015 | $1M | $7.82M |  |  |
2010-4 | 4296651 | City of West Palm Beach | Tamarind Ave (Palm Beach Lakes Blvd to 25th St) | Landscaping, pedestrian crossing improvements and street furniture | Construction Completed in 2017 | $750K | $964K |  |  |