

Click on thumbnails to view enlarged photos

* TPA Funding obtained from Draft Tentative Work Program or TIP.

**Total Cost obtained from Cost Sheet from original application year.

Project list last updated: 02/24/2025

Application Year-RankProject NumberProject ApplicantProject LocationProject DescriptionConstruction YearTPA Funding*Total Cost**BeforeAfter
2024-14548781West Palm BeachPalm St from Lake Ave to US 1/Dixie HighwayConstruct bicycle lanes and ADA improvements for pedestrian facilitiesFY 2028$1.5M$2M 
2024-24548771Boca RatonNW 2nd Ave from Jeffrey St to Hidden Valley BlvdConstruct two-way bicycle path on east side of the road with bicycle intersection upgrades.FY 2028$1.5M/td>$2.6M 
2024-34549511Palm Beach County/Boca RatonCamino Real from Dixie Highway to Federal HighwayConstruct raised bicycle lanesFY 2028$878K$1.68M 
2023-14529981Boca RatonNW 6th Way from South of NW 38th Drive/Circle to Spanish River BlvdConstruct 10′ shared use path and include bicycle and pedestrian intersection upgrades.FY 2027$888K$1.5M 
2023-24530021Palm Beach CountyCamino Real from Spanish River Rd to South Ocean BlvdConstruct 7′ buffered bike lanes on both sides of the road and 5 ft sidewalk on the south side.FY 2027$1.1M$1.9M 
2023-34529991West Palm BeachSpruce Ave from 36th St to 40th StConstruct designated bike lanes, ADA curb ramps and sidewalks, new crosswalks, traffic calming, and pedestrian scale lighting.FY 2027$1.1M$1.5M 
2023-44530011Palm Beach GardensLilac St from North Military Trl to Plant DrWiden existing sidewalk to 10′ shared use path and construct new 10′ shared use path with a midblock crossing.FY 2027$1M$1.2M 
2023-54530001Indian Trail Improvement District140th Ave North from Orange Blvd to 61st St North and 61st St North from 140th Ave North to the M-1 CanalConstruct 8′ unpaved path.FY 2027$947K$1.2M

2022-14507871Indian Trail Improvement DistrictHamlin Blvd from Hall Blvd to Grapeview Blvd; Grapeview Blvd from Hamlin Blvd to Citrus Grove Blvd; Citrus Grove Blvd from Hall Blvd to Avocado BlvdConstruct 10′ shared use path and expand existing sidewalk to 8′.FY 2026$991K$1.5M 
2022-24508291City of Palm Beach GardensFairchild Ave from Fairchild Gardens Ave to Campus DrConstruct buffered bicycle lanes and 8′ pathway on south side of roadwayFY 2026$1M$1.5M 
2022-34508621City of West Palm Beach49th St from Greenwood Ave to North Flagler DrConstruct ADA curb ramps and sidewalks, traffic calming speed humps and sharrowsFY 2026$353K$1M 
2022-44508241Village of Royal Palm BeachVarious Locations – Local RoadsInstall pedestrian and bicycle network wayfinding signageFY 2026$738K$934K 
2022-54507841 & 4527842City of Boca Raton & SFRTASW 18th St from Military Trail to Addison AveConstruct 10′ shared use paths and missing crosswalks and sidewalksFY 2026$1.5M$1.5M  
2021-14490051City of Palm Beach GardensBurns Rd from Military Trail to Alt A1AConstruct 9.5′ separated two-way bicycle trackEstimated Construction Start July 2025$848K$1.3M 
2021-24489991City of Boca RatonEl Rio Trail from Glades Rd to Yamato RdInstall lightingFY 2025$1M$1.3M 
2021-34490021Indian Trails Improvement DistrictGrapeview Blvd from Key Lime Blvd to 60th St; Key Lime Blvd from Hall Blvd to M-1 CanalConstruct 10′ shared use path and 8′ pathwayFY 2026$1M$1.7M 
2021-44490061Village of WellingtonC-8 Canal from Forest Hill Blvd to Stribling WayConstruct 10′ shared use pathFY 2025$552K$738K 
2020-14483011City of Lake Worth BeachVarious Locations – Local RoadsConstruct ADA curb ramps and sidewalkEstimated Construction Start April 2024$1M$1.02M 
2020-24483021City of Palm Beach GardensKyoto Gardens Drive from Military Trail to Alt A1AConstruct 5′ bike lane and 8′ pathway on north side of roadwayConstruction Completed July 2024$1.2M$1.3M
2020-34483031Westgate CRA / Palm Beach CountyCherry Rd from Military Trail to Quail DrConstruct 10-12′ shared use path and pedestrian lighting on north side of the roadwayEstimated Construction Start Fall 2024$1M$1.96M 
2020-44483041Palm TranCountywideInstall 5′ sidewalk connections and ADA bus stop enhancements to 110 bus stopsFY 2025$299K$355K 
2020-54483061Village of WellingtonC-2 Canal Pathway from Horseshoe Trace & Greenview Shores Blvd to Paddock Park Dr & Bent Creek DrConstruct multipurpose pathways

Project Withdrawn

2019-14460771Westgate CRA/Palm Beach CountySeminole Blvd
from Okeechobee Blvd to Oswego Ave
Construct 12 ft shared use paths, high visibility crosswalks, and pedestrian lightingConstruction Completed Early 2025$1.5M$1.7M
2019-24460781City of Boynton BeachSE 1st St. from Boynton Beach Blvd to Woolbright RdConstruct 10 ft shared use path on western side of roadwayEstimated Construction Start November 2024$1M$5.5MBEFORE: SE 1st St Shared-Use Path 
2019-34460801Town of Loxahatchee GrovesOkeechobee Blvd
from A Rd to Folsom Rd
Construct 6 ft paved trail with fence on south side of roadwayProject Withdrawn   
2019-44460841City of Palm Beach GardensVarious existing pedestrian crossings along Holly DriveInstall pedestrian activated flashers at 12 existing crossingsConstruction Completed March 2024$887K$900K
2018-14443501City of West Palm BeachClear Lake Trail North (Phase 1) (NW side of Clear Lake from
Okeechobee Blvd to Palm Beach Lakes Blvd)
Construct 10 ft shared Use Path on west side of Clear Lake in West Palm Beach.Construction Completed May 2024$1.75M$2.2MBEFORE: Clear Lake Trail
2018-24443591City of GreenacresDillman Trail (Forest Hill Blvd to Dillman Rd)Construct 12 ft shared use pathConstruction Completed in 2023$723K$772KBEFORE: Dillman TrailPhoto of the completed Dillman Trail in Greenacres, a 12 ft. shared use pathway
2018-34443671Palm Beach County (Westgate CRA)Bridgeman Dr, Wellington Rd, Prairie Rd (Phase 2)Install 5 ft sidewalks and pedestrian scale lightingConstruction Completed December 2022$995K$1.18MBEFORE: Bridgeman Dr. Photo of the completed sidewalks and pedestrian scale lighting along Bridgeman Dr.
2018-44443661Palm Beach CountyA1A/Ocean Dr. (Between Donald Ross Rd and Indiantown Rd)Pedestrian Crossing EnhancementsConstruction Completed 2023$790K$796K
 2017-14415271City of West Palm Beach Northmore neighborhood Construct sidewalks and shared use pathConstruction Start January 2025$590K$2.2MBEFORE: Northmore 
 2017-24415301Palm Beach County (Westgate CRA) Belvedere Heights neighborhood Install streetlights and sidewalksConstruction Completed 2022$925K$1.1MBEFORE: Belvedere Heights
 2017-44415311 Village of Royal Palm Beach FPL Pathway (Lamstein Ln to Las Palmas St)Install LED lighting adjacent to FPL pathwayConstruction Completed$712K$1.16MBEFORE: FPL PathwayBEFORE: FPL Pathway
2016-14400141Village of WellingtonAero Club Dr (Greenbriar Blvd to Binks Forest Dr)Construct 10′ shared use pathConstruction Completed in 2022$774K$765KBEFORE: Aero Club Dr.
2016-24400151City of West Palm BeachNorth Shore Pedestrian Bridge (between 39th St. and 43rd St.)Construct new pedestrian bridge parallel to  existing North Shore Dr. bridge on the west side.Construction Scheduled Summer 2024$993K$1.29MBEFORE: Northshore Pedestrian Bridge 
2016-34400121City of West Palm BeachRoosevelt Estates neighborhoodInstall ADA ramp improvements and crosswalks with texturized pavementConstruction Start December 2024$565K$1.1MBEFORE: Roosevelt Estates 
2016-44400171City of Delray BeachVarious AlleywaysShared Use Paths in AlleywaysConstruction Completed in 2022$872K$2.57M
2015-14382891City of Delray BeachSeacrest Blvd (NE 22nd St to Gulfstream Blvd)Add green bike lanes, wider sidewalks, brick crosswalks and school zone lightingConstruction Completed in 2021$749K$1.7M
2015-24287181Village of TequestaUS1 (Beach Rd to Martin County Line)Add buffered bike lanes, street trees and signageConstruction Completed in 2018$709K$3.05MBEFORE: US-1 Multimodal ImprovementsAFTER: US-1 Multimodal Improvements
2015-34383061Village of WellingtonBinks Pointe Pathway (Binks Forest Dr to Flying Cow Rd)Construct shared use pathway to connect Binks Pointe area to Wellington Environmental PreserveConstruction Completed in 2019$391K$549KBEFORE: Binks Pointe PathwayAFTER: Binks Pointe Pathway
2015-44382901Village of Royal Palm BeachVarious Royal Palm Beach neighborhoodsUpgrade existing sidewalks to ADA standards in residential neighborhoodsConstruction Completed in 2021$683K$839K
2015-54382911City of Belle GladeVarious locations near Gove and Belle Glade Elementary SchoolsConstruct missing sidewalk linksConstruction Completed in 2019$672K$1.2MBEFORE: Belle Glades School SidewalksAfter: Belle Glade Sidewalks
2015-64383851City of West Palm BeachVarious locations near Palm Beach Neighborhood SchoolsUpgrade existing sidewalks to ADA standards near schoolsConstruction Completed in 2020$723K$878KBEFORE: West Palm Beach ADA Sidewalk ImprovementsAFTER: West Palm Beach ADA Sidewalk Improvements
2014-14368721City of Delray BeachNE 2nd Ave (NE 13th St to NE 22nd St)Construct sidewalks, add designated bike lanes, reduce vehicle travel lane widths, install landscapingConstruction Completed in 2019$745K$1.63MBEFORE: NE 2nd Ave. Multimodal Improvements
2014-24369301Palm Beach CountyAustralian Ave (9th St to 13th St, Kirk Road), (Forest Hill Blvd to Pot O’ Gold St.), and (Military Trail – Dolphin Dr to Old Military Tr)Safe Routes to Schools-Install mast arm school zone flashersConstruction Completed in 2021$407K$482KBEFORE: Palm Beach County Safe Routes to SchoolsAFTER: Palm Beach County Safe Routes to Schools
2014-44369321City of West Palm BeachNorth Shore Neighborhood (Residential Streets bounded by 45th St,Congress Ave., Australian Ave and Lake Mangonia)Construct ADA compliant ramps and sidewalks, enhanced crosswalks and signageConstruction Completed in 2021$485K$573KBEFORE: North Shore Pedestrian ImprovementsBEFORE: North Shore Pedestrian Improvements
2014-54368741Village of Royal Palm BeachOkeechobee Blvd (Folsom Rd to State Rd 7) and Partridge Lane (Okeechobee Blvd to Sparrow Dr)Install pedestrian-scaled lighting, roadway lighting, and 6 ft wide sidewalk on the east side of Partridge LaneConstruction Completed in 2019$368K$1.54M

BEFORE: Okeechobee Blvd. Pedestrian Improvements

BEFORE: Okeechobee Blvd. Pedestrian Improvements

BEFORE: Okeechobee Blvd. Pedestrian Improvements

BEFORE: Okeechobee Blvd. Pedestrian Improvements

2013-14350841City of Lake Worth5th Ave South (A St to F St)Construct 5-block shared use path in unused ROWConstruction Completed in 2017$753K$1.16MBEFORE: 5th Ave Shared-Use PathAFTER: 5th Ave Shared-Use Path
2013-24351461City of West Palm BeachTamarind Ave (Banyan Blvd to Palm Beach Lakes Blvd)Add landscaping, lighting, and bike sharrowsProject Removed, Funded Locally$782K$958KBEFORE: Tamarind Ave. Multimodal ImprovementsN/A
2013-44350801City of Delray BeachNE 2nd Ave (George Bush Blvd to NE 13th St)Bike Lane/ SidewalkConstruction Completed in 2018$733K$1.8MBEFORE: NE 2nd Ave. Multimodal ImprovementsBEFORE: Delray Beach Seacrest Ave.
2012-14331691Palm Beach County-Office of Community RevitalizationEverglades (E Main St to Canal St in Belle Glade)Construct a pedestrian bridge over the L-10 canalConstruction Completed in 2016$636K$760KBEFORE: Belle Glade Pedestrian BridgeAFTER: Belle Glade Pedestrian Bridge
2012-24331971Village of Royal Palm BeachSparrow Dr (Sweet Bay Ln to Royal Palm Beach Blvd)Construct a  pedestrian bridge over canalConstruction Completed in 2016$621K$734KBEFORE: Sparrow Dr. Ped BridgeAFTER: Sparrow Dr. Pedestrian Bridge
2012-44334741City of West Palm BeachFern St (Flagler Dr to Tamarind Ave)Improve streetscape, add pedestrian amenities, green bicycle lanes, bicycle racksConstruction Completed in 2016$763K$898KBEFORE: Fern StreetAFTER: Fern St. Multimodal Improvements
2012-5 4331961Village of WellingtonFlying Cow Rd. (Binks Pointe to the Wellington Environmental Preserve)Construct 10 ft shared use pathConstruction Completed in 2017$750K$883KBEFORE: Flying Cow Rd Shared-Use PathAFTER: Flying Cow Rd Shared-Use Path
2011-14316521City of West Palm Beach15th St (Australian Ave to N. Dixie Hwy)Add green bicycle lanes, street trees, and enhanced crosswalksConstruction Completed in 2015$754K$809KBEFORE: 15th StreetAFTER: 15th St. Multimodal Improvements
2011-24316501City of Delray BeachNE 2nd Ave (NE 4th St to George Bush Blvd)LightingConstruction Completed in 2015$648K$945KBEFORE: NE 2nd Ave. AFTER: NE 2nd Ave.
2011-34238092Palm Beach County Environmental Resources ManagementBluegill Trail (Phase II), Adjacent to Beeline Hwy (PGA Blvd to Northlake Blvd)Construct paved 12 ft shared use pathConstruction Completed in 2015$766K$977KBEFORE: Bluegill Trail Shared Use PathAFTER: Bluegill Trail Shared Use Path
2011-44316481City of Boca RatonPatch Reef Trail (Along E-3 Canal from S. Verde Trail to south of Town Center Rd)Construct 8 ft wide pathway (Patch Reef Trail)Construction Completed in 2015$357K$362KBEFORE: Path Reef Trail PathwayAFTER: Patch Reef Trail Pathway
2011-54276551Village of Royal Palm BeachCrestwood Blvd North (Saratoga Blvd to Royal Palm Beach Blvd)Construct bicycle lanes, landscaping, install a school bus stopConstruction Completed in 2013$805K$891KBEFORE: Crestwood Blvd. Multimodal ImprovementsAFTER: Crestwood Blvd. Multimodal Improvements
2010-14252592Palm Beach County Environmental Resources ManagementJessup Trail (Phase I) (Riverbend Park to the Cypress Creek Natural Area at Martin County line)Construct 10 ft shared use pathConstruction Completed in 2013$619K$878KBEFORE: Jessup Trail Shared-Use PathAFTER: Jessup Trail Shared-Use Path
2010-34276531Town of JupiterA1A (Jupiter Rd to Saturn St)Add bicycle lane, sidewalk, landscaping, signageConstruction Completed in 2015$1M$7.82MBEFORE: A1A Multimodal ImprovementsAFTER: A1A Multimodal Improvements
2010-44296651City of West Palm BeachTamarind Ave (Palm Beach Lakes Blvd to 25th St)Landscaping, pedestrian crossing improvements and street furnitureConstruction Completed in 2017$750K$964KBEFORE: Tamarind Ave.